When it comes to emergency planning, real-world knowledge and technological expertise are crucial for success. For this reason, BOLDplanning’s resident Geographic Information System (GIS/mapping) expert, Cassandra Wolff, CBCP, is now actively working toward her certification as a FEMA practitioner (there are fewer than 100 in the whole country!). And BOLDplanning is cheering her on.
Now, through August, Wolff is participating in classes allowing her to demonstrate, and build upon, her understanding of FEMA’s HAZUS®-MH GIS software. This week’s highly comprehensive class allowed GIS professionals like Wolff to learn more about the science and algorithms that go into forming HAZUS runs, particularly for flooding. Course participants were just taught how to manipulate datasets to produce Level 2 and Level 3 HAZUS runs, we well as simulate “what-if” scenarios through 25-, 50-, 100- and 500-year flood models.
To demonstrate her understanding and GIS expertise, Wolff successfully presented a case study pertaining to Hurricane Harvey. More specifically, she geographically displayed the widespread agricultural and residential impacts caused by the storm’s unprecedented flooding.
At this pace, Wolff will soon join the nation’s select few FEMA practitioners; become an even stronger asset of BOLDplanning, an industry leader in emergency, continuity and mitigation planning; and serve as an invaluable resource for the company’s 9,300+ public and private sector clients nationwide.
Please join the BOLDplanning team in congratulating Cassandra on her progress so far and urging her on to achieve such an impressive goal. Knowledge really is power, especially when it comes to contingency planning, and we want nothing more than for her (and you, as a BOLDplanning customer) to be successful going forward.