Like so many other public and private sector organizations across the country, the City of West Palm Beach, Florida, relies on Tennessee-based BOLDplanning for assistance with its Continuity of Operations (COOP) planning. Recently, after two days of plan reviews, BOLDplanning’s SMEs provided feedback, showing plan contributors how they could improve various plan elements and implement additional best practices for continuity. 

“Such qualitative and quantitative reviews are invaluable to the development (and maintenance) of departmental plans, all of which feed into an organization’s overarching COOP plan,” said BOLDplanning’s Training Manager, Kayla McMahan. “Incorporating improvements based on SME feedback helps ensure the quality and usability of the plan as well as its compliance with FEMA guidelines.” 

BOLDplanning assistance is provided in several ways, including access to its cloud-based platform as well as a team of well-credentialed Subject Matter Experts (SMEs). Most recently, the City looked to BOLDplanning’s SMEs to evaluate their plans’ progress and make recommendations for improvements. 

BOLDplanning would like to thank West Palm Beach Assistant Fire Chief and Emergency Manager, Brent Bloomfield, (again) for working so diligently to ensure all of the City’s departments have complete, actionable, and FEMA-compliant COOP plans. He spearheaded the COOP workshops facilitated by BOLDplanning earlier this year and continues to lead the charge in ensuring the City’s preparedness.