Continuity of Operations (COOP) Plan Finalization Workshops were underway in Oswego County, New York last week. Following virtual mid-term workshops in January and plan grading in March, the participating county departments made great efforts to update their individual plans and move forward towards plan finalization. 

During the finalization workshops, plan participants received hour-long on-site guidance from Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) from Tennessee-based BOLDplanning. Each department received one-on-one assistance to ensure their plan surpasses the minimum standard for each section, and more importantly, follows continuity of operation plan guidelines. 

Moving forward, planners will use the direction given from BOLDplanning SMEs to sharpen their plan and receive the necessary approval from their department heads. Through the cloud based platform, departments can continuously update their plan to guarantee relevance and applicability during a disaster. 

Special thanks to Renee Fox, Emergency Management Coordinator for Oswego County, for all her time and dedication to this project!