Now that multiple departments in Marshall County, Indiana, have progressed through Continuity of Operations (COOP) plan development, steps toward plan finalization and of course, implementation, are underway.
Most recently, plan participants took part in a series of workshops and a comprehensive plan review with the Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) from Tennessee-based BOLDplanning. Each department received one hour or more of one-on-one instruction, helping ensure their plan(s) comply with, or better yet, exceed the minimum standard for each planning element. These elements for plan viability, as COOP planners know, include:
- Essential Functions
- Delegations of Authority
- Succession Planning
- Alternate Facilities
- Interoperable Communictions
- Vital Records and Databases
- Human Capital
- Testing, Training, and Exercises
- Devolution and Reconstitution
Planners will now gain the necessary approvals form their department head(s) and begin the process of training staff and stakeholders on their brand new plan. It, like so many other COOP plans across the country, was developed using the cloud-based platform. The platform replaces traditional, paper-based plans with an always-accessible, living document that can be easily updated to ensure continued relevance and usability in the event of a disruption.
Congratulations to Marshall County leadership, department heads, and primary continuity planners in each department on a job well done!